Books and Works

Hebert has published a great number of books, some of them have been translated into English, Russian or Spanish. We highlighted the most relevant books about the method.

  • For Italian, look for the books about Hebertismo by Cesare Bedoni and Diego Zarantonello, for Portuguese – for the works by Inezil Penna Marinho (e.g. Sistemas e Métodos).
  • If you could not find a book you were searching for or if you know a book that is not on the list, please contact us.
  • If you are a researcher, please contact us, we will provide you a list of scientific works and access to theses in different languages (English, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese).

Important note:

The most essential works are the Moniteur Guide (1918) and the Tome I (1936). They highlight the ESSENCE of Methode Naturelle – the methodology of physical education and the role of the coaches. The goal of the method is not to suggest exercises to athletes but to provide coaches with tools for a complete training session so that they can educate their students – physically, emotionally, and morally. The physical side of the method also evolves in these books into an intense, uninterrupted movement in space.

The well-known Practical Guide (1910), on the contrary,  includes only the initial ideas of Hebert. Here, Methode Naturelle might seem like a pool of exercises or a kind of gymnastic systems which were popular at the time when Hebert began to develop his method. He had to rely on them to build a bridge to his teaching.

Héberts works

(1907) L’Éducation physique raisonnée

The very first book of Hébert. Original text: open source in Internet Archive.

(1910) Guide pratique d’éducation physique. 

  • This guide is the first general introduction to the method. Though only later, 1912, Hebert called his approach “methode naturelle” for the first time. The first part of the book is dedicated to preparatory exercises. In further books, Hebert expanded his method theoretically and practically. He also wrote a separate book about every movement discipline. 

Original Text: 2nd Edition open source by PDF by Harvard College Library


  • English, shortened, open source  PDF (please right click and save as).
  • English, full in 5 parts. Available on Amazon: Part 1 (The Method), Part 2 (Fundamental Exercises), Part 3 (Functional Exercises), Part 4 (Swimming), Part 5 (Self Defense).
  • Spanish Hébert, G. Lecciones prácticas de cultura física. – México: Librería de la Vda. de Bouret, 1913. 192 p.  Shortened, open source  PDF.

(1911) Le Code de la force. La Force physique, ses éléments constitutifs et sa mesure pratique.

(1912) L’éducation physique ou l’entraînement complet par la méthode naturelle.

Original text: 2nd Edition in French as open-source PDF in Stanford Library.

  • In addition to the practical guide that introduced mostly exercises, this book deals further with the method and session plans. Here Hebert introduced his well-known testing system and the scoring of performance.

(1913) La Culture Virile et les Devoirs Physiques de L’Officier Combattant

(1914) Leçon-type de natation

  • The first book dedicated exclusively to swimming.

(1915) Ma Leçon-type d’entraînement complet et utilitaire

(1918) Guide abrégé du moniteur et de la monitrice.







  • One of the two essential books about the doctrine of Methode Naturelle. The Guide is directed at instructors and highlights the meaning of MN as a methodology of physical education. It provided the coaches with the philosophy of the method and the rules of designing and administering a training session. It explains the “how”s and the “why”s, for example, if to correct techniques during the lesson or what kind of work teaches students flexibility and courage.

(1919) L’Éducation physique féminine. Muscle et Beauté plastique.

  • Hebert was known for being one of the pioneers to pay attention to the physical education of women. In this book, he “established the concepts of health, beauty, and strength-oriented to women’s emancipation through his Natural Method.

Translations in English:


(1925) Le Sport contre l’Éducation physique







  • The book highlights the advantages of general physical education and compares them to the disadvantages of Olympic sports such as competitiveness, specialization, risk, etc.

Héberts technological Works

(all published by Librairie Vuibert, Paris)

In the following series, Hebert summarizes the results of many years of empirical research and practical experience. The solid works begin with a volume Tome I, dedicated to the method itself. The following volumes cover each of the 10 movement families. Tome II – walking, running, jumping.  Tome III (in separate books) – quadrupedal movement, climbing, and balancing. Tome IV (in separate books) – carrying, throwing, defense. Tome V – swimming.

    • (1936) L’éducation physique virile et morale par la méthode naturelle. Tome I. Exposé doctrinal et Principes directeurs de travail


  • (1942) L’éducation physique virile et morale par la méthode naturelle. Tome II. Technique des Exercices. Technologie. Marche. Course. Saut.
  • (1943) L’éducation physique virile et morale par la méthode naturelle. Tome III. Technique des exercices. Fascicule 1. Quadrupédie.
  • (1943) L’éducation physique virile et morale par la méthode naturelle. Tome III. Technique des exercices. Fascicule 2. Grimper.
  • (1946) L’éducation physique virile et morale par la méthode naturelle. Tome III. Technique des exercices. Fascicule 3. Equilibrisme.
    • (1947) L’éducation physique virile et morale par la méthode naturelle. Tome IV. Technique des exercices. Fascicule 1. Lever.
    • (1950) L’éducation physique virile et morale par la méthode naturelle. Tome IV. Technique des exercices. Fascicule 2. Lancer.
    • (1955) L’éducation physique virile et morale par la méthode naturelle. Tome IV. Technique des exercices. Fascicule 3. Défense.
  • (1957) L’éducation physique virile et morale par la méthode naturelle. Tome V. Technique des exercices. Natation.


Works about Hébert and his teachings

(1976)  Claude Cousineau – Hebertisme. A challenging outdoor activity (open source, right click and save the .pdf)

A manual guide from the Ontario Ministry of Culture and Recreation on how to build a Hebertisme park.

Modern works