…Sunday morning. Fog. Rain. Sleek. Snow. Hartmut shows up. Takes his shirt off. Takes his shoes off. Puts his swim shorts on. Are you crazy Hartmut? “Hébert said resistance is important, no?” Fair enough…
Natural movement and Méthode Naturelle are totally different things and are not to be mixed up. MN is a method of training and physical education. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Most people just see in MN the natural-movement-crawling-climbing-a-tree component, the little tiny part, and stop there. So what happens if you not just stay in your comfort zone and not just take what you like from MN?
But explore the actual method, and what is in it? And trust it. And see what happens.
To be honest, if it not my peers from MN Munich group I would probably still just play moving around and have fun and have no real idea of what MN is.
Why shall I carry people? Ok that’s fun! Overcome high walls together? I do parkour, I can do it on my own. Ok, this one time. Oh, now I understand what real teamwork means.
First aid course is cool! Philipp gets a lifeguard license and makes us all train water rescue. Hate it. Love it. Signed up to obtain my own. Soon, we will be 5 lifeguards out of 30 team members.
“Nadja how dare we do training tomorrow when the neighborhood town is flooded? Let’s be useful and go there and help instead of training!” Fair enough.
Coach refugee kids. Clean up the local river, together with Surfrider Foundation, Sea Shepherd and others. Go to a youth center help them build furniture. And so much more.
Become more human. Feel people.
I love swimming. But I just want to swim my 1.5 km in a pool. I don’t like lakes. No I don’t want to cross that river. It’s dirty. It’s cold. The current is strong. I am afraid. Ok with you guys I will try. If you make it safe… One year later, on a bike tour, alone, rain. Stop at water cascades. “Dear anglers, would you please wait a little bit, I just wanna jump into this current, it’s so much fun! Thank you!”
New dimension of water feeling
Training barefoot here and there. Maybe roll in snow half naked after the training. Enough resistance for me.
“Nadja, let’s swim this lake”! No way. The water is so cold. And its 600 m long. I just go in and out. Ok I’ll swim a bit with you. Hey that’s not that cold. The water feeling is amazing! It’s warm! I’ll do half of it. Maybe little more. Maybe little more. Oh it is so cold. I don’t feel my skin anymore. Maybe forever. Cold. Cold. Wow I did it all! And now? Run back? October, rain, random people in jackets and hats, and me, running in pink bikini, barefoot. I feel so hébertist! And they clap. At home, check what was the water temperature: 16°!
Sunday morning. Fog. Rain. Sleek. Snow. Hartmut shows up. Takes his shirt off. Takes his shoes off. Puts his swim shorts on. Are you crazy Hartmut? “Hébert said resistance is important, no?” Damn true. Ok, I’ll take my shirt off too. Oh wow. That feeling. When you sprint and snow melts on your shoulders and chest, like thousand needles. Hair is completely wet. Sparring every 5 minutes to keep warm. 45 minutes of heaven.
I won’t be needing my warm winter jacket this winter.
New dimension of nature and weather perception
Why should I bother to combine all 10 movement families in one session? I don’t care what Hébert said. I just do what I think is right. Ok, maybe let’s just try, maybe there is something in it. Is there any difference if we make it 8, or 9, or all 10 families? Oh wow yes, there is, a huuuuge difference. Feel it in my body. Everyone feels it. Next time they tell me already “oh we almost forgot to carry” and my body agrees “we need to carry something.”
The feeling of completeness. Hébert was a wise guy
No! We don’t need any tests. Hébert is outdated. It’s boring. Ok, if you want it so badly, organize it. Oh no! I don’t even get the minimum score in 30 m quadrupedie! Have to be faster. Learned gallop crawling. Amazing. Feel like an animal now 😀
But I am so bad in throwing. I hate throwing. We all are bad. It’s a shame, we have to work on it. Every single session. One more test? Nooo! Please no. Ok. Oh I’ve actually improved in throwing. Comparing our results from different years, so interesting. Tests make so much sense. When is the next?
Work on what you are bad at. Hébert was a wise guy. Again
Some exercise here and there, ground fight. What did Hébert say? Something about nature? So last weekend we practiced jumping to a side from heavy wooden clogs we threw into each other. Really dangerous, and freaking scary.
Totally new dimension of fear and awareness
“Nadja, we are tired of playgrounds and parks, we want real walls again. Hébert and vertigo, remember?” Fair enough. So we go to a private property and balance and jump in the dark on up to 5 meter high and just 20 cm wide walls.
Now I remember again, the real life and concrete do not forgive any failures.
Wake up for reality
So whom I have to coach today? Nick, 4, with his dad, 31, a triathlon runner. Isabel, 30, with her baby. Timur, 28, Krav Maga trainer. Heinrich, 47, artificial knee joint, hardly did sports before… Ok, 10 families, intensity curve, resistance, team work. What a challenge!
New dimension of coaching
No! I don’t care about physical education. That’s scouts’ job. Ok got a sports coach license. Read about the history of physical education now. Shall I catch up with Italian scout’s next…?
2016, Nadja Hahn